Download Firmware Update
1.On a PC, down load the update files at
2. The filename is “wi125_update_v1.”.
3. Unpack all files to a local working directory. (password: navsync). WinZip may work to unpack, but Dave and Mark downloaded PeaZip.
Setup for GPS Card
1. Access GPS card by removing plastic case cover.
2. Note the location of JP5 (Figure1). Older versions have R9 surface mount pads
參考圖一, 找到GPS卡上JP5的所在. 舊版的GPS卡只有R9(表面鍍層)
3. Done with the GPS card for now
Setup for DAQ Card
4. Connect DAQ to PC usb port and run your Terminal App (i.e.TeraTerm). Download Tera Term because EQUIP can’t
configure the required baud rate easily.
將GPS接到DAQ卡,PC上準備好TeraTerm的終端機程式, 其他的終端機程式也可以, 但是必須要能做以下的設定. 再將DAQ卡插入PC的USB槽, 用終端機程式連接上DAQ卡.
5. Set DAQ baud rate to 38.4K (command ‘SB 123 2’ ).
在終端機連接DAQ卡的畫面上設DAQ卡的baud rate 為38400, DAQ卡的指令是SB 123 2
6. Now Configure your Terminal App to communicate at 38.4K baud – select Setup;
serial port; set speed.
這時DAQ卡的baud rate(38400)跟終端機程式的baud rate (115200)不一樣, 因此終端機程式與DAQ卡失去連線, 無法控制DAQ卡. 為了重新獲得連 線與再控制DAQ卡, 必須修改終端機程式的baud rate為38400,程式的選項依序為: 設定, 序列埠, 設速率(即baud rate). 這樣可以控制DAQ卡的畫 面就會重新出現.
7. Enter DAQ command ‘UL 123’. DAQ will report “This is a USB to GPS link”
在新的baud rate 連線的情況下, 輸入DAQ卡的控制指令:
UL 123
這時候DAQ卡會回應: This is a USB to GPS link.
8. If at any point the DAQ card is reset, repeat steps4-8.
如果發生DAQ卡重設的情況, 就要重覆步驟 4-8.
9. DAQ is now in download mode, ready to send in coming data to the GPS board.
現在DAQ卡處在下載的模式裡, 預備將更新的資料送往GPS卡.
10. Now disconnect the RJ45 cable from the GPS to DAQ at the DAQ card.
將GPS連接到DAQ卡的RJ45線線頭拔出, 這樣DAQ卡與GPS失去聯絡, 但是也將GPS處在無電源供應的情形, 可以安全地做下一個步驟.
11. Disconnect Terminal App from the com port. If Tera Term – select File and
操作終端機程式, 選擇離線, 釋出對應到DAQ卡的序列埠
12. Do not reset the DAQ card.
這一塊是要用Win32 GUI 應用程式來更新GPS卡:
Using Win32 GUI Application to update GPS
13. Open application upd_wi125.exe in your local working directory.
在之前下載更新軟體的目錄區裡, 選擇執行upd_wi125.exe
14.In the NavSync Firmware Update Window, select DAQ COM Port (same as
這時會出現NavSync 更新軟體的視窗, 選擇對應到DAQ卡的序列埠
15. On the GPS board short out JP5. (tweezers, paperclip) (If you have an older
GPS card and there is no JP5, short out R9) 取一小塊導體(例如將平的螺絲頭立起來), 穩穩地放在GPS卡上, 將JP5的兩個小點短路, 在之後的動作裡, 要確保這個導體不會移動. 舊版的GPS 卡, 就要將R9短路.
16. Connect the GPS to DAQ using a RJ45 cable. A download timer has now
started. Wait 5 seconds.
把GPS的RJ45線連接到DAQ卡, GPS獲得了電源, 再等5秒,
17. Now on UPD_WI125 app click ‘Update’ within 15 seconds else download fails.
現在, 要在15秒內, 必須在upd_wi125 的應用程式上按下Update的選項, 否則更新就失敗了.
18. Programming will take about 90 seconds. upd_wi125 will show status
information and report “Writing flash memory”, “Verifying flash”, and “Firmware update complete”. You can remove the short out jumper on the GPS card after “Writing flash memory” appears.
接下來, 會需要約90秒的時間來完成更新. 在進行中, Upd_wi125顯現的狀態有: Writing flash memory, Verifying flash 及Firmware update complete. 當狀態顯示的是Writing flash memory 的時候, 你就可以移開GPS卡上短路JP5的小塊導體了. 當然, 顯示狀態為Firmware update complete的時候, GPS卡的更新就完成了!
19. If programming fails disconnect the GPS RJ45 cable and repeat step 13-18.
如果更新失敗了, 就要重覆步驟13-18.
20. Reset DAQ board.
關掉upd_wi125, 重新開DAQ卡的電源, 這樣DAQ卡就會重設, 再用原本quarknet的baud rate將終端機程式連接上DAQ卡.
21. Use command ‘DG’ to check GPS time and date (only valid after satellite lock).
用指令DG檢查GPS的時間對不對( 要先接到數目足夠的衛星).
Figure 1, Qnet GPS CARD
圖一, GPS卡, 我的GPS是舊版, 所以在電池旁邊有兩顆小點 的 R9, 是以上步驟裡需要短路的地方.
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